Thursday, January 01, 2015

2014 Informal Reading Review

It's a new year, and time to fire up this old blog for the purpose of reading and reviewing 52 books in 52 weeks. 2013 went completely to pot due to family issues, and a lot of that bled over into 2014. I read a number of books in 2014, but only minimally recording and reviewing off on another site. It suddenly folded up in early autumn, so I don't have notes about everything read during 2014. Here are a few that stick out in fond memory.

Andy Weir's The Martian is absolutely riveting. I got it for Christmas, started in a day or two later, and literally read it in one sitting. OK, I did get up and go to the bathroom once, but I took the book with me. Exciting, smart, funny, pretty much everything the reviews say it is. Larry Niven blurbed it best saying it was "like Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe as written by someone brighter." If you've somehow missed the reviews of this, the plot is simple: Astronaut Mark Watney is lost in an accident, presumed dead, and has been left behind on Mars. He must turn a limited amount of food and air into something that will let him live for the years until the next expedition. And he has to do it without being able to communicate with Earth. I laughed, I cried, I occasionally sat there in slack-jawed amazement. Read it.

When Graham Jordan died this year, I'd never heard of him. The literary obituaries made him sound like my type of writer, so I picked up Some Kind of Fairy Story. Wow. The core idea is simple enough: the 17-year-old daughter of a small-town British family disappears and is presumed murdered by her boyfriend. Twenty years later she returns, still seventeen, to re-meet with her parents, brother, and ex. Her story comes out in bits and pieces, and neither it nor the rest of the novel ever go where you expect. It's brilliantly written, with even the most minor characters vivid and interesting. The plot that never sells out to the glamour of the ideas, and the end is as satisfying as it is unexpected. I'll be reading a number of his books in 2015.

Iain Banks (known as Iain M. Banks for his science fiction novels) died in mid-2013, and I'd been avoiding starting his last novel, The Quarry because, dammit, there wouldn't be any more. I'm both happy and sad to say that it was as good as I expected from Banks. It also has some curious reflections of the themes and circumstances in his brilliant but repellant first novel The Wasp Factory. But this book anything but repellant, being an entertaining novel of both coming of age and the passing of youth. Highly recommended.

Last summer Ann Leckie made my buy list with her first novel Ancillary Justice, and the followup Ancillary Sword lives up to the first. The central character is the sole survivor of an intelligent spaceships that use mind-blanked human auxiliaries as crew. When the ship was betrayed and destroyed, a single crew member survived. She carries the personality of the ship, and wants revenge for what is lost. If the book were simple slam-bang action, that premise would be enough to tell good stories. Leckie goes far beyond that, with exploration of gender, the evolution of consciousness, and far more. A third and concluding book is due in 2015; it's already on my buy-in-hardback list.

Stephen King's Doctor Sleep is ostensibly a sequel to The Shining, but it would not be improved nor diminished by severing that link. King's strength is his characters, and with this one he brews up a whole batch of people who, good and bad, you're reluctant to see go. Last year I also read King's A Wind Through The Keyhole, a sidelight story to his Dark Tower series that I'd initially not planned on reading. When it turned up cheap at Half-Price Books I yielded to temptation, and was entertained well beyond my expectations. A fine little novel of stories within stories.

King's son Joe Hill hit a home run with his latest NOS4A2. At first it seemed an homage to his father's writing, but quickly proved a fascinating tale of it's own. Hill has inherited his father's talent, and while not as prolific, may prove to be the better writer in the long run.

Steven Brust added a new novel Hawk to his always-fun Vlad Taltos series, but his big win for the year was The Incrementalists, co-written with Skyler White. It's the first of a series, and suffers a bit in how much backstory must be brought out in order to make a relatively small plot fly. But with that background established, I expect future books to be even better - and that's a very high level of expectation.

Also on the series front, Charles Stross added The Rhesus Chart to his entertaining Laundry stories. These books are now into some very dark places for his central character, and I suspect that Stross may be reaching a conclusion - or at least, some massive turning point in the series. Still recommended, but start from the beginning or you're going to be totally lost.

And now, on to 2015!


Mark Bernstein said...

Thanks for the recommendations. I have "The Martian" queued up as the next thing to read after I finish my current book. ("The Golem and the Jinni" by Helene Wecker, which so far is very, very good.)

You may want to do a bit of editing. I tried to look up "Some Kind of Fairy Story" by Graham Jordan. I'm guessing you meant "Some Kind of Fairy Tale" by Graham Joyce.

scizen9 said...

Wow, also thanks and a tip o' the hat. Just finished "The Martian" and it was without a doubt the best hard science fiction I've read in a while.